Free shipping from 100 EUR
Store: Vilnius str. 28, Vilnius

Returns & Exchange

If you wish to return or exchange the purchased item, we accept them within the period of 14 calendar days from the day of receipt of an item. Please email us: [email protected]

When returning or exchanging an item, the following terms and conditions apply:

  • the item and its packaging have not essentially changed their appearance;
  • the item has not been used; it is not dirty and/or damaged, the item is self-contained;
  • no original labels have been removed from the item;

The items return at the expense and risk of the customer. No refunds or exchanges will be made for items returned without prior communication and agreement. The costs for the return shipment must be carried by the customer.

For orders that are returned to us from outside the EU kindly note:

Any duties / costs related to the return have to be born by you and will be deducted from the refund. Please inform yourself about how to declare the goods in order to avoid any extra costs before shipping your return.